Monday, March 19, 2007


Jordyn came on satuday

On Saturday Jordyn came to my house to stay the night before she went to Aussie on Monday the 19 of march. we played in the car and with the dolls. When we went in the car my sister Whitney was playing in my mums car with her doll as well. Then she stoped and my dad with out in my mums car and me and Jordyn thought was Whitney driving the car IT WAS FREAKY we were going to jump out of my dad car and put our hand on the brake I just about cryed because my dad keeped on putting his foot on the brake so we thought it was Whitney when we put our hand out my dad stoped and winded the window down and said "what" and i said we thought it was Whitney and dad said she was inside talking to her friend on the phone.Then we went inside and played there and then had tea and went to bed at 10.00 we slepped on the ground 0n a mattress by were my Nana was sleeping. My Nana was sleeping in my bed in my room. then in the morging we played in the car again and in was poring down with raining at 12.30 my friend went home then i asked if i could go but she said "no not today cause we need to pack and Jordyns nana is coming round for afternoon tea". So i couldn't go to her Nana's house.Then my sister went to my uncles to get his bike for the paper run after school today. Then after school today my dad is making a bike lock for me so i had a lock for school so when i take my bike to school i can lock it up so it don't get stolen from school.

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